Vice Chairman
Tasks of Investment Committee and duration of action:
1 – Holding regular meetings to study the company’s projects and developments in workflow and propose actions to be taken on them and offer to the Board of Directors things that require a decision by the Council thereon.
2 – Studying new investment opportunities to ensure appropriate set up by the company or entering as a contributor.
3 – Study plans, strategies and proposals submitted by the Chief Executive to achieve the objectives and development of the company’s business and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
4 – Study performance reports received by the Commission from the CEO and takes appropriate decisions and recommendations to improve performance.
5 – Use the powers vested of Commission under the powers manual approved by the Board of Directors and perform any tasks or functions, which the Governing Council considers mandate.
Committee members:
1- Faisal Abdullah Muhammad Al-Qahtani, Chairman.
2- Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Abdullah Al AlShaikh, Member.
3- Ayham Muhammad Abdullah Al-Yousef, Member.
Tasks of Audit Committee and duration of action:
1 – Supervising the internal audit department in the company, in order to verify the effectiveness of the implementation of the business and the tasks set by the Board of Directors.
2 – Reviewing the internal control system and write a recommendation report on this matter.
3 – Reviewing of internal audit reports and follow up the implementation of corrective actions to notes contained therein.
4 – Recommend Chartered Accountants for the Board of Directors and determine their fees, and take into account when recommending appointment to ensure their independence.
5 – Follow-up of Chartered Accountants, and the adoption of any work outside the scope of audit work assigned to them during their audit work.
6 – Reviewing audit plan with the accountant and legal giving notes.
7 – Reviewing notes chartered accountant on the financial statements and follow up on that.
8 – Study and interim financial statements before submission to the annual Board of Directors and to express an opinion and recommendation in this regard.
9 – Study of accounting policies and place the opinion and recommendation of the Governing Council in the matter.
Committee members:
1- Waleed Amer Abdulrahman Al-Rumaih, Chairman.
2- Hani bin Abdullah Abu Al-Naja, from outside the board members.
3- Rashed bin Abdullah Al-Rashed, from outside the board members.
Tasks of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and duration of action:
1 – Recommendation to the Board of Directors nominations to the Board and in accordance with the policies and standards adopted taking into account not nominate any person previously convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude and the Secretariat.
2 – Annual review of the needs of appropriate skills required for membership of the Board of Directors including the identification of the time needed to devote User for the work of the Board of Directors.
3 – Review of the structure of the Board and make recommendations regarding changes that can be made.
4 – Identify strengths and weaknesses of the Governing Council and propose solutions with the company’s interest.
5 – Ensure in annually basis the independence of the members, and make sure of any conflict of interest if the member serves on the Board of Directors of another company.
6 – Establish clear policies for compensation and remuneration of the Board of Directors and senior executives, and take into account when developing these policies using criteria linked to performance.
Committee members:
1- Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Mansour, Chairman.
2- Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Khayyal, Member.
3- Abdulaziz bin Majed bin Abdullah Al-Kassabi, Member.