AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Results of Rump Offering and the Allocation of the Right Issue Shares.
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Results of Rump Offering and the Allocation of the Right Issue Shares.
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Results of Rump Offering and the Allocation of the Right Issue Shares.
AYYAN Investment Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-06-30 ( Six Months ) and announces that the accumulated Losses have reached 44.89% of the Capital.
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Results of Right Issues Trading and New Shares Subscription and the Details of the Rump Offering
AYYAN Investment Company Announces a Reminder of the Last Day for the Subscription in the New Shares.
AYYAN Investment Company Announces a Reminder of the Last Day for the Right ISSUES Trading and the Last Day for the Subscription in the New Shares.
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Start of the Rights Issue Trading and New Shares Subscription Period (Reminder)
AYYAN Investment Co. Announces the Determination of the Period for Right Issues Trading and New Shares Subscription
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Results of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting, which included the Approval of the Company’s Capital Increase (Second Meeting)
AYYAN Investment Company Announces the Publication of the Rights Issue Prospectus
Ayyan Investment Company Announces its Invitation to Shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting, which includes Increasing the Company’s Capital (the First meeting) through Modern Technological means.